Fat bike rack fatbike fat bike asinine fat bike camping AEREO

aeroe Spider FAT Rack | Fat Bike Bikepacking | Storage Bags for Fat Bikes

Here at FBA we love awesome new products designed for fat bikes. In fact more and more products are being designed for us lately. This shows that our sport is gaining ground. And, we couldn’t be happier! We’re excited to partner with aeroe to help spread the word about their exciting new product!

Fat Biking Fat Bike Accessories AEROE FAT BIKE ASININE

Help Support FBA. Purchase this product from our partner link http://bit.ly/3VT8c5I or purchase fat biking products from our FBA store!

I don’t know about you but, I always seem to have storage issues when I’m out riding my fat bikes. I usually ride with a small backpack that has a Camelback hydration system so space limited. I’m always over packing the backpack with everything I think I may need for a ride.

Introducing the aeroe Spider FAT Rack! This setup is amazing. It’s an updated version of their Spider rack, but designed specifically to fit any Fat bike or Fat E-Bike. http://bit.ly/3VT8c5I

Fat bike camping fat bike accessories fatbike

fat bike packing bike packing AEREO fat bike asinine

Chris Burkard used this rack setup on his latest epic bikepacking expedition through Iceland’s ‘Forgotten Coast’ which was super cool. Check out his adventure! https://theradavist.com/preparing-for-icelands-forgotten-coast-chris-burkard/

Fat bikes Fatbike fat bike asinine AEROE bike packing fat bike packing

Designed specifically for FAT bikes - the aeroe Spider FAT rack is a simple and secure way to carry any brand of dry bag, tents, sleeping bags or other gear on any type of FAT Bike or FAT E- Bike. http://bit.ly/3VT8c5I

The rack comes with one cradle which has built-in straps that hold the gear in place. Additional cradles can then be added to the rack and located on top, or the sides of the rack… or both!

Depending on how much gear you need to take. All cradles can be rotated 180 degrees to suit heel and seat clearance, full suspension use, 100% full use of your dropper post or handling preferences. All aeroe cradles and accessories are compatible with both versions of the rack. http://bit.ly/3VT8c5I

Purchase this amazing product direct from aeroe! http://bit.ly/3VT8c5I

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